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Become a Friend of the Chamber!

Become a member here!
Participating Businesses- 10% discount
The Avriett House
The Little Avriett
The Merry Avriett
Homerville Jewelers
Flowers by Carylene
Merle Norman
The Honey Shack
Current Friends of the Chamber
Wendy Cullum
Dean Cullum
Courtney Tolle
Adam Tolle
Debbie Barber
Cecil Barber
Susie Brown
Jeff Brown
Ellice Martin
Phil Martin
Nan Mikell
JoAnn Tomlinson
Rhonda Gordon
Scott Griffin
Hillary Griffin
Gayle Hughes
Judi Daughtary
Sammy Tolle
Patia Tolle
Beverly Cook
Phillip Cook
David Hinson
Kay Hinson
Kim Sutton
Danny Leccese
Jean Leccese
Mary Ruth Handley
Jonathon Landrum
Lisa Landrum
Henry Moylan
Bonny Moylan
Jason Bell
Heather Bell
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